Saturday, November 13, 2010

Total System Overload

Having a wonderful Saturday?

I am having a fantastic Saturday,  despite my late start I got a lot accomplished. Keep in mind that for me getting a lot accomplished, would consist of things like showering before 2pm.

But despite the late start, this is where "Insert another generic joke about my sleeping habits" would go. Today was a fairly successful day in more of a loose term.

But the real question that I pose to you, is how do we feel accomplished? It brings yet another question to the forefront. Why can we feel so bad when we lay, sit or stand around and continue to do nothing for the entire day (and sometimes for most of a second day).

Is it part of the human condition? No, I just don't see human nature as being sheer laziness, in fact I think human nature would be quite the contrary. I mean do you think that a creature  in the caveman days  that uncontrollably emptied it's bowels to be able to run faster would even begin to understand the concept of laziness? Nope, and if you do then you seriously need to do the world a favor and take a long walk off a short pier.

I don't think that this is a question that is easily answered, and yet I will do nothing to try and do my part to determine the cause. It's not like finding the answer would lead to more productivity at work, better test scores for students, more income, and overall a better quality of life and understanding.

Wait, it would do all of those things, well with the exception of better test scores for students. If we were to look at that graph of increased test scores, we would see that it goes up, when distance to alcohol or controlled substances goes up. So unless we burned down every distillery and weed grow in the world at once... Wait, don't burn down the weed grows, I repeat do not burn down the weed grows.

Think about what would happen if everyone in the world was hight at once. Not a single funyun and hostess product would be left. But if we were to shut down every distillery we would more than likely see an increase in test scores, but frankly I feel as though shutting down distilleries would be long and arduous, as I would never plan on doing anything illegally, and the difficulty of legally entering the brew room, dumping rat feces, and calling the health inspector is a long process. So, I guess college age kids will just have to suffer.

To be completely honest, I like beer, so of all the things you wouldn't see me doing, THAT would be one of them.

So, to everyone interested. Go ahead and be lazy, or be productive frankly I just don't care. Just don't bore me with it. If you do chose to be unproductive with your time, make sure it is for entertainment purposes, after-all I do need some time filler so I can be less productive too.


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