Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Guy With The Shiny drills

Hello all,

Do I really have that much of a nonexistent life that I have to blog several times a day to feel better about what I haven't done or accomplished, or to console me after falling down in a big ball of crying blubbering idiot when I realize that I haven't received a paycheck in weeks? That ladies and gentlemen is a big yes.

Now with the dumb questions out of the way, lets get started on what I hope to be a fairly long (and somewhat humorous) approach to fears. Today I was at the dentist, (no I am not scared of the dentist) and I began to think of why so many people are scared of the dentist, or frankly anyone with big, curved, metal hooks that poke around and sometimes cause you to bleed... Okay, so maybe a fear of the dentist isn't such an abstract or obscene thought.

While a fear of the dentist may be perfectly rational, I really get mad when people say they have a fear of clowns. I would bet 150 dollars that 90% of people don't have a fear of clowns like they say they do. My thought is that simply put. Mental illness is very much an "In-thing" in Hollywood right now. I would go double or nothing on that 150 that when the mental illness fad is over, suddenly not so many things are brought up as fears.

It's all about fitting in really, I am a true person with a fear, if people ask me what I'm scared of, or start to get close. I divert, usually in some way what I think is masculine, but unfortunately ripping my shirt off like hulk hogan and beating my hand on my chest grunting like a gorilla on top of some 4 year olds backyard swing isn't as manly as I'd like to think.  It doesn't look masculine at all but instead like i just escaped from the home. At least it's getting a lot of hits on youtube.

So in other words, be scared of whatever the hell you want, just don't talk about it in public. Because in reality, no one cares. If  they keep pressing just tell them you have luposlipaphobia, a strange fear discovered by the great comic writer Gary Larson.

If people want to know what it is, just tell them that you don't want to talk about it.


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