Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The buried life and bucket lists

Good evening all,

After watching some old episodes of "The Buried Life" on mtv, I have begun to focus on our own mortality as people, not necessarily in a bad way but just a realization that in life the truly only inevitable thing is death. Because if you play your cards right you can sneak by under the radar without paying taxes, ask Wesley Snipes, he pulled it off for a long time before he finally got busted. I must know his secret, besides the whole vampire thing. And I mean a bad-ass vampire, not those androgynous werewolves, and vampires from twilight. Think Nosferatu stuff people!

But rambling off topic aside. This has made me realize that there are many things in life that I have done and experienced that most would consider small or irrelevant to a bucket list, but for me they are huge. If I had a bucket list, they would surely be on there and be scratched off.

So without further adieu, here are some of the things that I have done and experienced in the past years that if you asked me before I would have never thought I would be doing.

Do something stupid
Drive a tow truck
Live in another state
Call the employment department to get a job
Get a degree
Make new friends
Go to a casino (This one is another story all to itself)
Understand the meaning of life
Almost get in a fight

With that being said there are many things that I still want to do that are within reach, however they will take a lot of hard work and focus to get them done. And a little bit of number one on the list of things that I have already done.

Own a classic car
Start a bar fight
Own my own business/ Start a venture that supports itself
Learn to pin-stripe
Tell a famous person that they need to not be such a jack-ass
Own my own home
Teach my dad something ( he has been the one to teach me so much, it would be very fun to turn the tables. But it's hard to teach the person that knows everything something. And I don't mean that in a bad way)
A backslash to the above would be to be as successful as my parents.
Teach my pets to talk. (seriously, talk as in with English words. Could be a little tricky cause of the lack of proper anatomy, but I will figure it out darnit)

Where is the humor in this post? Normally, I always try to put a little bit of  condescension or humor in these posts, but this is one time where it doesn't need to be. I mean especially with people my parents age passing away all too frequently as of late it is important, not necessarily to do everything on your bucket list. But to just live outside your box, and even if you can't, to just have a little fun and not take life so damn seriously.


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