Wednesday, November 24, 2010

pod children

Good evening all,

May you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving. But recently, I have discovered that every person has the one family member in their immediate family that falls under the category of "black sheep." When I say black sheep i don't refer to the one person that no one likes, but the one person whom is just either kind of "off" or doesn't fit in with the rest of the family (not in a bad way though).

But with my upbringing being the stereotypical four person middle class family living in a three bedroom, two bath house with two children it doesn't leave whole lot of options. Technically it leaves only myself and my brother to figure out whom the person  may be. From here on out, we will refer to this person as a "pod child" over black sheep. Pod child is sort of our families way of saying "black sheep", and still paying homage to great movies such as invasion of the body snatchers.

Instead of trying to figure this out by writing, concise properly punctuated sentences and paragraphs I have opted to instead go with a list. The trademark of my rants, now used primarily for entertaining the masses without insulting myself or other people.

The list

Political views

Family: Fairly open, focusing on common sense over political party support
Me:     Right wing nutjob
Bro:    Anarchist

That tallies up the score now to one for me, and goose egg for my brother.

Intelligence Quotient:

Family: Smart
Me:     Smart
Bro:     Smart

Total tie there, no points to either side I am still ahead with being more like my family

Crazy factor

Family: Not crazy
Me:     Almost loony bin status (in a good way)
Bro:    Not crazy

So, now it is all tied up I feel like bieng lazy today, so this last benchmark is the ultimate test.

Trade skills

Family: Jack of all trades
Me:      Limited to automotive knowledge
Bro:     Limited to other knowledge

Once again I am unfortunately unable to award any points, thus leaving us at a dead even tie.

There you have it folks, I am now confused. I always felt that I was the pod child. However, anymore I am not so sure, yeah I have tattoos that my grandparents don't really like. But the reality is, is that they don't kick me out of their home for having them, and they accept that as me. Yeah, my brother listens to a lot of weird music. I.E. the crystal method and cage the elephant and believes in complete and total anarchy. But now I'm not so sure, I think my right wing, crazy, rude screwed and tattooed country music loving self evens out my Anarchist, techno loving, slightly hippie brother.

My conclusion is this, we are both "pod children" my parents may have done a little bit TOO good of a job in encouraging us to think for ourselves. I bet now they are kicking themselves, especially when me and my dad are not speaking to each other for a day or two because of some political argument.

Overall, the confusion is this, where did I go wrong. I have now decided that instead of compromising, I am going to shove things down my brothers throat. Not actual things of course, I am not a murderous individual, but things that he should know. Like how to fix his car, that way he can become one tally mark above myself, thus giving me the proud status of "pod child"


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